Education in Pretoria

Public school was begun in 1904, shortly after the village of Pretoria was formed; the Abraham J. Loewen family had arrived two years earlier. The language of instruction was German, with Russian as the second language, and the children started school at age 7 or 8. Jacob Loewen began school in the fall of 1910. In his memoirs, he describes his early education experiences at some length, and for the most part, this account is based on his memoirs.


Both the Prussian census of 1772 and the diary of Aeltester Gerhard Wiebe refer to Baumgart, Prussia, as the residence for Elias Peters. Son, Daniel Peters, and Elisabeth Brandt had only one child, according to records – Daniel Daniel Peters (1794 – 1879). He came to Russia in 1806 with his maternal grand-parents, Jakob J. and Susanna Brandt, although this fact is contradicted in some documents.


Ainda no século 16, alguns menonitas do Flandres, por causa de seus princípios religiosos, foram perseguidos e condenados à morte pela Inquisição espanhola que se estabeleceu naquela região. Por causa disso, os menonitas fogem da Holanda e refugiam-se na Prússia, o que hoje é a Polônia. [...]. No final do século 18, a Prússia vivia a apreensão com a agitação política na França às portas da Revolução Francesa de 1789. Com o controle governamental da Prússia, os colonos menonitas foram impedidos de possuir novas áreas e seus descendentes não tinham mais terras cultiváveis.

A Survival Story: The Driedger Family

Die Familie Eitzen war während der meisten Jahre in Russland finanziell abgesichert gewesen, mit wenigen Ausnahmen. Dies mag ein wichtiger Faktor gewesen sein, um die Entscheidung zur Auswanderung Mitte der 1920er Jahre zu verzögern, bevor es zu spät war. Nur einem von acht Geschwistern gelang es, auszuwandern; für die anderen kostete die Verzögerung diese Möglichkeit und führte zu einem Leben voller Leid, Elend und Tod. Dies ist ein Bericht über die jüngste Schwester meiner Großmutter, Margaretha Eitzen Driedger, und ihre Familie. Er basiert auf Familienerinnerungen, Notizen, Korrespondenz aus den 1920er und 1930er Jahren sowie aktuelle Korrespondenz mit in Deutschland und Ontario lebenden Enkeln.