Beitrag eingesandt durch Edward Krahn. Original Beitrag auf:
Übersetzung des Buchs: Orenburg am Ural. Die Geschichte einer mennonitisehen Ansiedlung in Russland. Peter P. Dyck. Abbotsford 1951. 160 S.
The following is a machine translation of the German language book Orenburg am Ural, by Peter P. Dyck (1951). A scan of the Gothic script original was run through optical character recognition (OCR) and converted to Latin script by Conrad Stoesz using the Abby FineReader software. Glenn Penner then put this through the DeepL translator. This was heavily reformatted and edited by Erika Epp Marand, followed by light editing by Glenn Penner.
Note: Page numbers do not follow those in the original.
Comments by Erika or Glenn are in square brackets.
Mennonite village names were standardized to follow those in the Mennonite Historical Atlas by Schroeder and Huebert.
Low-German words were spelled according to the Mennonite Low German Dictionary by Jack Thiessen.
No attempt was made to standardize any Russian or Ukrainian words.
Published by Mennonite Heritage Archives