Herzenberg – Alexandrovka

Data submitted by Oleksander Sydorenko

NOTE: if someone is willing to transcript and translate this list, we would like to post it here.

…I am researching the history of the village where I was born (Mykolaivka in the Dnipropetrovsk region) led me to be interested in researching the family of Hertsenvytsy, who owned the neighboring lands. Having delved into the history of this family, I found that in 1880, one of the heirs of this family sold part of the land to the Mennonites from Molochnaya Colony, and they moved here and formed their own colony here, which was called Herzenberg (the official name of the village was Alexandrovka, Pawlograd region – https://chortitza.org/FB/D0224.html). So, researching the history of my village, I am simultaneously gathering information about the residents of Alexandrovka/Herzenberg and seeing how difficult life was for German colonists during the Bolshevik regime, how they were repressed, and how they were deported. In 1945, the Bolshevik authorities even destroyed the village cemetery with Mennonite burials.

I would like to write a separate book about this German colony of Herzenberg, because the modern generation knows absolutely nothing about the history of the region.

I am currently collecting all the materials that can still be found in order to revive the history of this German settlement, and it is possible after the current war and with the Russians to build a memorial monument there to perpetuate the tragedy of the peaceful German colony.

I am collecting information about the residents of Herzenberg from various sources (newspaper publications, archival materials), and your website was also a good help – on it I found some photos of the residents of the settlement, and especially interesting photos of school students. …..

Here is a list of Mennonite refugees who have permission to leave for America from the Zaporizhia and Mykolaiv provinces – from The Central State Archive of Higher Authorities and Administration of Ukraine. F. 5.- Op. 5.- File 116.

Sincerely, Олександр Сидоренко / Oleksander Sydorenko, директор / Director
Консорціум із удосконалення менеджмент-освіти в Україні
Consortium for Enhancement of Ukrainian Management Education (CEUME)+38 (050) 355 9511

Hermann Schirmacher

Hermann Schirmacher

Ich bin Hermann Schirmacher und komme aus Paraguay. Ich liebe die Familiengeschichte, Bilder und Dokumente von unseren Vorfahren. Familiennamen die mich besonders interessieren sind Pries, Rogalsky, Loepp
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